Great Advice from our AARP Presenter

10 Helpful Hints for Decluttering

  1. Get help. Recruit friends, family, neighbors
  2. Make a 10-minute sweep. Do not look at a space larger than 2’x2.’ Assign your helper to a 2’x2’ area.
  3. Unpack all bags and boxes as soon as you bring them into the house.
  4. Every item in your house should have a home.
  5. Sort into 4 piles: Keep, Sell, Donate, and Trash
  6. Distribute legacy items now. If you have a grandfather clock you want to pass on to your child, give it now. Most likely, they won’t want it.
  7. Avoid punting. Don’t guilt someone into taking something they don’t want. Sell it or donate it.
  8. When you donate, give to a place where it will be given away instead of being sold.
  9. Be realistic. Do not keep outdated food. Do not keep clothing that no longer fits.
  10. Pare down on paper and photos. Shred old documents. Don’t keep anything more than 3 years.

All your stuff is tied to emotions and stories. Keep a few important photos but not all.

Advice from a conservator/guardian:

Never give your debit or credit card to your health care worker. Don’t give them a check or your checkbook. Go to the bank and get cash and dole it out as needed. When your person has to move out of their home, immediately change the locks on the doors. Secure the house. Remove valuables such as jewelry, art, and important documents. This prevents uninvited relatives from taking what they want. You will want to  sell the house and all the contents you can so the person has money to live on.