Apodaca Park 801 E Madrid Avenue, Las Cruces,, NMPickleball Instruction and Practice at Apodaca Park 801 E Madrid Avenue, Las Cruces, NM
Pickleball Instruction and Practice at Apodaca Park 801 E Madrid Avenue, Las Cruces, NM
Enjoy a free holiday concert with the Las Cruces Ukes! Sing along to some of your favorite Christmas songs and get into the spirit of the holidays! The concert will be held in the Good Samaritan — Las Cruces Village Social Center Auditorium, which is downstairs. Do not go down Terrace Drive - the building … Continue reading Las Cruces Ukes Holiday Concert
Meets Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Rock Steady Boxing is now being held at Maximum Martial Arts, 1705 E. University Ave. Las Cruces. Contact Jon Roberts (702.217.0450) for more information and how to enroll.
Our Parkinson's Excercise class, New Pathways for Parkinson's, is led by Medical Exercise Specialist, Carol A. Witham. The class is held every Monday and Wednesday at 10:00 a.m. at the Genesis Village at Northrise, Hallmark Building, second level. Contact Carol for more information at withamcarola@gmail.com. Pathways for PD 2023 Flyer
Meets Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Rock Steady Boxing is now being held at Maximum Martial Arts, 1705 E. University Ave. Las Cruces. Contact Jon Roberts (702.217.0450) for more information and how to enroll.
Support Group Meetings are held on the third Tuesday of every month at Holiday Inn Express, 2142 Telshor Court, Las Cruces. The meeting begins at 9:45 a.m. 9:00 to 9:40 a.m. is Social time, come early and get to know other support group attendees! Carol A. Witham leads a breakout session for caregivers from … Continue reading Monthly Support Group Meeting
Laughter Yoga is a popular movement and breathing exercise that aims to cultivate joy, bring out your inner child, and help you let go of daily life stressors. Laughter Yoga involves various movement and breathing exercises to promote intentional laughter. A typical class will include breathing exercises, chanting, improv, and aspects of yoga to help … Continue reading Laughter Yoga
Meets Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Rock Steady Boxing is now being held at Maximum Martial Arts, 1705 E. University Ave. Las Cruces. Contact Jon Roberts (702.217.0450) for more information and how to enroll.
Qigong, a low impact exercise class taught by Richard Havey at Munson Center every Wednesday at 1:30.
Qigong uses simple poses and breathing patterns to promote a healthy flow and reduce stagnation of qi. Proper flow of qi can help the body engage its own healing processes. The slow, purposeful movements of qigong are less challenging to your balance. These movements are easy for most people to do and you can modify … Continue reading Qi Gong (standing or seated)
Pickleball Instruction and Practice at Apodaca Park 801 E Madrid Avenue, Las Cruces, NM
Meets Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Rock Steady Boxing is now being held at Maximum Martial Arts, 1705 E. University Ave. Las Cruces. Contact Jon Roberts (702.217.0450) for more information and how to enroll.